Running a restaurant involves more than just keeping track of all the food and beverages that are coming and going, being restocked and used, and keeping the dishes clean. There is also money that has to be kept track of, whether it's in a small or a large safe. Keeping track of the money going in and coming out of the safe is important in making sure account records are kept accurate. If there are a lot of people involved with handling the money, this can get tricky. Having a single form to fill out when money exchanges take place are made easier with a free restaurant safe count worksheet.
This worksheet allows all necessary information about the money exchange to be entered into it. The site provides a very accurately drawn up document to use for this purpose. At the top of the worksheet, there is a table formated to display the correct amount of change and bills that are present in the safe at opening time, midday, and closing time.
There is even a section to total in amounts other than direct currency, such as checks, the till amount, and tip bag totals. Below this table are smaller tables for deposit information to be written in, as well as a change order.
These both have spaces for the name of the person performing either of these tasks, which is necessary to maintain knowledge of who is responsible for these transactions. Additional boxes provide spaces for the day's sales information, the day's orders, groups in-house the night before, the groups checking in that day, and the day's store activities or sampling.
This free restaurant safe count will help in maintaining accurate numbers in the safe for the entire day and provides a written record of what took place. Having the name of the person who took care of this day's safe count is also handy, in case there any questions later on.
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